SoCal Drivers Club Terms


SoCal Drivers Club is here to provide experienced (Advanced) drivers a chance to participate in one of our private track days. Our private day is not about racing, it’s focused on improving your driving skills with more seat time. It is also an opportunity to take advantage of the safe and controlled environment to test and tune your car. Point-by passing is encouraged, but you can expect open-passing when other drivers are on their hot laps. At the moment our private days are restricted to drivers with previous track experience, drivers who were comfortable in Advanced groups with open passing. Drivers observed without previous track experience attempting to attend our events will not be permitted to drive and will not be given a refund.


Limited to low amount of drivers each event, first come, first served.

Payment in advance via our Website or MotorSportREG is expected to lock your slot in.

Track owners charge $10-$20 gate fee to enter the facility, so be prepared with cash.

Refund Policy:

No refunds are given for events. If a driver cancels or decides to withdraw for any reason, it is their responsibility to find a replacement to take their spot. Drivers who find replacements must vouch for them, your spot is transferable a maximum of (1) time(s) and you must notify the organizers of the replacement driver minimum of 48 hours before the event by email. No shows will not be given refunds or credits, you completely forfeit the cost of the event if you are unable to show. Inclement weather, rain or shine, our event will proceed as intended and refunds are not issued.
In the event of refunding physical products, SDC charges a 10% return fee. This fee applies to any refund processed going forward starting April 11th, 2023.

Event Transfers/Credits:

Starting Jan 1st, 2023, we, SDC, are no longer allowing drivers to transfer their payment as credit for a future event. Given the size of our events, we are not in a position to do this easily. We really appreciate your understanding.


Helmets are REQUIRED. You will not be allowed on track if you don’t have one. Helmets are mandatory for drivers and passengers at all times while on track. Helmets must be SA2010 or newer (recommended), or Snell or ECE rated 2015 or newer. Full face and open face helmets are both allowed.

Rental helmets are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Email to pay/reserve. Fire/Safety crews are hired for each event. Tow hooks are required as well, at least 1 on the front or rear but both are recommended.

Convertible Cars:

Cars that have stock roll hoops such as Z3, Z4, S2000, Boxster and the like along with pop-up roll protection like M3 convertibles are allowed on track. All convertibles with aftermarket roll protection are allowed so long as they are functional and not of a show-car variety. Cars that do NOT have roll protection behind the front seats, such as mustangs, C5 corvettes, earlier generation Miatas are not allowed without significant aftermarket roll protection. If you have any questions around this policy and your car, please contact us.

Open wheel / Open Cockpit vehicles:

Starting April 1, 2024, SDC no longer allows open wheel or open cockpit vehicles at our events. This includes Formula cars, Radicals, Rush SR and the like. Thank you for your understanding.

Drivers Meetings:

Our group isn’t focused on rushing you to get to the event early just to attend a drivers meeting. In order to facilitate a better experience, we do not require drivers meeting attendance if you have attended at least 2 meetings with us in the same year. After that you’re welcome to show up at anytime in the day, just check-in with us at registration to get your wristband and you’re good to go. Driver’s meetings are required for first time drivers to SDC.

Track Time:

Keep in mind, when attending our open-track events you’re able to drive hours on end. There’s no need to rush to get to the track early to avoid missing a session because we don’t have any. We value your seat time at the track, so we do everything we can to ensure our members have a good and safe time. Please refer to ‘Drivers Meetings’ section in regards to getting to the track early.

In regards to track closing, most tracks, if not all, are strict about their closing hours. We leave enough time for you to pack up and leave at a normal time. Any attendee who stays past a track’s regular hours will be forwarded the invoice at the rate the track owners charge. Typically around $500/hr. If you have any issues at the end of the day, please bring it up with the organizers so that we can communicate with the track owners as needed. This policy does not apply to those who prearranged with the facilities to camp overnight.


Friends and family of members are welcome at the track so long as they are reasonably well behaved. Members are responsible for the conduct of their guests.


You are limited to 1 passenger on-track, approved helmets are required as well. Minimum age of 18. For safety concerns, SDC reserves the right to disallow a driver from having passengers at our discretion.

Rain/Inclement weather:

We will run, rain or shine. Drivers should be prepared and plan ahead for such days.

Minimum Age for Participation:

The minimum age at our events is 18. Valid Driver’s License required as well as track experience.

Rights Reserved:

SoCal Drivers Club reserves the right to eject any one individual or group of individuals for driver conduct or attitude conflicts. This includes but is not limited to the rules waiver you sign at every event. Ensuring an enjoyable and safe track experience for all participants is our priority. Reckless driving, drifting off-track, blatant disregard for instructions or being under the influence of substances legal or not will result in ejection. Drivers ejected will not be issued refunds, you will be asked to leave and depending on the offense, you may be banned from joining our future events.